Driver's license, more than just driving

Driver's license, more than just driving

Rodrigo Jiménez
Rodrigo Jiménez

Welcome to our guide to driving principles, focused on the essential operation and maintenance of your vehicle. Driving is not just about moving a vehicle from point A to point B; It is also understanding how your car works and how to take care of it. This guide has been designed to provide you with a clear and detailed understanding of your car's key systems, allowing you to drive with greater confidence and security. Below you will find a list of articles that cover different aspects of your vehicle's operation. Click the links to explore each topic in depth.

Introduction and Operation of the Engine

Discover the heart of your vehicle and understand how revs affect its performance. Lubrication and Electrical Systems

Understand how your engine keeps moving and how it powers your vehicle electrically. Fuel and Cooling System

Learn about powering your vehicle and how it stays cool in extreme conditions. Exhaust and Transmission System

Learn about the dangers of the exhaust system and how energy is transferred to the wheels. Steering, Suspension and Damping

Discover how your vehicle is controlled and how it handles on different surfaces. Brakes and Tires

Learn about the importance of stopping your vehicle safely and how your tires play a crucial role in this. Lights, Mirrors and Preparations Before Driving

Prepare for the road by knowing how to see and be seen, and what to check before every trip. We hope this guide provides you with the knowledge you need to keep your vehicle in top condition and to drive safely and confidently. Happy driving!

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